People should hold themselves to a higher standard. Read More. Emma Taylor online. All forms of immorality are glorified through the internet, TV, videos, movies, magazines, and billboards. Premarital sex essay example Premarital Sex Essay is published for educational and informational purposes only.
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Premarital sex is a huge problem in society today. People everywhere are not waiting until they get married to have sex. People having sex today are not aware of the consequences that come with having sex. They just think it is fun and there are nothing other than fun comes with having sex. Some people tend to have a lot of sex, premarital sex essay. They say they do it for the satisfaction. They believe sex is fun. It is perceived to be a great thing from the time one is young. Going to elementary school kids always talked about the day they were going to have sex, premarital sex essay. They looked forward to it. Where they got the idea that sex was such a great thing is a question that one must ask? The movies, maybe, premarital sex essay. The magazines that one sees when digging through the drawers of an older brother, uncle or ones father.
Sex is all over society, premarital sex essay. You can not watch cable television without seeing people kissing intimately, or even having sex. Just because cable does not show full nudity does not make it any better to let an eight year old child watch a television show full of sex. Now that the reasons people are having sex has been somewhat discussed and is out of the way, let us discuss the consequences that come with having sex, such as A. This is a deadly virus that kills ones immune system. A person never dies from the actual virus. They die from the diseases that they would not have otherwise contracted if they still had a strong immune system.
A person can die from a simple cold if they have contracted the A. S virus. They cold starts of as a normal one premarital sex essay but it just keeps getting worse and worse. People suffer before they die premarital sex essay this disease. This disease premarital sex essay been responsible premarital sex essay killing millions of people. The way this virus is contracted is through exchange of bodily fluids. Sex is the number one way this virus is spread. What people are not realizing is this disease is deadly and by having premarital sex and not being monogamous they too can contract this disease.
People are very aware that this disease is out there but they do not understand that it can affect them. There are lots of other diseases out there other than A. S that are caused by having sex, premarital sex essay. Most other sexually transmitted diseases are deadly but they are curable if found before they cause your body damage. All I can say when I think of contracting something as painful premarital sex essay a disease as painful as these have been described is ouch! Why would someone even want to take the chance of contracting one of these horrible diseases? There is a very simple solution if one would want to avoid contracting one of these horrible diseases. They would be laughed at and ridiculed, premarital sex essay.
People would think that a person was dirty if they knew they had diseases. What kind of feeling would a person have knowing that they have a disease that they have contracted through sexual intercourse. Maybe a better question is, what kind of feeling could a person walk into a church with knowing that people know they have a disease that they have contracted while having sex before they were married? The major religious belief in the United States is Christianity. Christianity teaches that having sex before getting married is wrong. Having sex is a sin and when people sin they go to hell.
Lots of people have sex with other people just to do it. Christianity teaches people to treat others as they would like to be treated. People should think about others before they do such things such as use others for sex. Christianity also teaches that lust is a sin. It is one of the seven deadly sins and it should not be taken lightly according to religious teachings. Lust leads to sex, and if sex is taken lightly people more and more people will begin to have children out of wedlock. Pregnancy is also a result of sex. In some cases children are left with just one parent and have to grow up the rest of their lives feeling unwanted because their biological father did not stick around.
A child cannot comprehend the fact that his or her father just had was with his or her mother to have sex, premarital sex essay. How could you explain this to a child? An even worse case is a child who is put up for adoption. He or she knows nothing about his or her real parents and is never given the oppurtunity to be given the love that every child deserves from his or her parents. I believe it would be hard not to know who your parents were. Sex is not entirely bad, premarital sex essay. In my opinion sex should be treated like everything else and be done in moderation. People should learn to understand one another and understand that sex is a big step in relationships. If it were not a big step there would be no point to get married.
Why would a person want to buy a used car when they could buy a new car? Sorry that it has to be put that way but that is the harsh reality of premarital sex essay. People who have slept around are not going to have an easy premarital sex essay finding a life mate. Nobody wants somebody who had slept with all of their friends. Why would you? How could you? It would be really awkward having all of my friends standing in my wedding knowing that had all had sex with a person that was going to be my wife in a couple of hours. Hopefully people will begin to look at everything they can lose from having sex before marriage, premarital sex essay. The same goes for those who can not be monogamous.
People should hold themselves to a higher standard. If people had more confidence I believe that they would feel they needed to have sex to impress people or to make people happy. Sex should be a result of love and should have more meaning than it does to some people, premarital sex essay. The entire point is sex has before marriage has consequences. If I were to go over every reason that sex was wrong the list would never end. The argument for or against same sex marriage SSM has raged for several years in America…. In the early 's a young confident man named Christopher Charles Skase became world famous…. Close Menu Essay Topics. Related Essays Should Same Sex Marriage be Legalized? Importance of Sex Education "HIGH SCHOOLS MUST PROVIDE YOUNG PEOPLE WITH ADEQUATE SEX EDUCATION BECAUSE IGNORANCE CAN BE HARMFUL"….
The Difference Between Sex and Gender In today's society sex and gender seem to have two separate connotative meanings. Sex is…. Christopher Skase In the early 's a young confident man named Christopher Charles Skase became world famous…. Is Marriage a Thing of the Past? A study done by the Center for Disease Control has found that most women have…, premarital sex essay.
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Do people even know that premarital sex is a sin? Well, it is. God created sex not for pleasure but for the process of procreation with the person you truly love. Proficient in: Human Sexuality. Can we then have sex now? I remember doing a report on love. It was a passage I got from the bible. Love is kind. True love would be patient in waiting for the proper time to have sex. If you really love each other, you are willing to wait after you get married. Your virginity is the best gift you can give to your husband or your wife — the purity in your heart, spirit and soul.
Not only is it a sin but it also is dangerous. Would you risk your life just to be pleased and get satisfied by having sex? There is a big risk of contracting STDs and AIDS with each other and it is a very serious issue. A person can die from a simple cold if they have contracted the AIDS virus. This disease has been responsible for killing millions of people already. Other than that, you can also get pregnant. What will happen now? You would probably abort the child, which will lead to another sin being committed then and there. Premarital sex can be harmful to our body, our future, and the scariest of all is our eternity.
You have your own right to say what you want. People usually lie just to get what they want. The main purpose of sex is really to unite a married couple as one loving body in the Sacrament of Matrimony and for them to procreate and bear a child as God wanted it to be. So if I were you, I would save having sexual intercourse with the person that is really meant for me. Premarital Sex Position Paper. com, Dec 05, Accessed January 7, com , Dec Premarital Sex Position Paper Topics: Human Sexuality Love Marriage Sex.
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