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The civil war essay

The civil war essay

The reactions to this were difficult to read, because many soldiers turned to drugs, alcohol, violence, and many suffered from mental problems. Grant were both great military minds and tenacious fighters who came to have great respect for each other throughout their long campaign throughout Virginia…. An Irrepressible American Civil War In his second inaugural address in MarchAbraham Lincoln looked back at the beginning of the Civil War four years earlier. y sunset, the 54th Regiment was… Bibliography Adler, the civil war essay, John, ed. The general and dead officer will still be in the tent, which will remain lit. Board of Education was a pivotal and massively important the civil war essay in American history—but not for the reasons that are typically given. American Civil War Civil Rights Civil War.

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Home — Essay Samples — History — History of the United States — Civil War. Battle of Antietam, Fort Pillow Massacre, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack, Battle of Monocacy. American Civil War, also called War Between the States, was a four-year civil war fought between the United States and the Confederate States of America. The conflict was the costliest and deadliest war ever fought on American land. The central cause of the war was the extension of slavery into new territories and states as a result of the Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican—American War. When Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election, seven Southern states South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, the civil war essay, and Texas have been organized as the Confederate States of America.

Fort Sumter became the site of the first shots of the Civil War. Four more southern states — Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee — joined the Confederacy after Fort Sumter. President Lincoln called for 75, militiamen to serve for three months. Lincoln insisted that the Confederate states was not legally a sovereign country, but were instead states in rebellion. In fact, the civil war essay, it made ending slavery a war goal. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1—3,in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The battle marked the turning point of the Civil War.

After a great victory over Union forces at Chancellorsville, General Robert E. Lee marched his Army of Northern Virginia into Pennsylvania in late June The war ended on April 9,when Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Grant at the Battle of Appomattox Court House. By the end of the war, much of the South's infrastructure was destroyed, especially its railroads. After the Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished, and four million enslaved black people were freed. The triumph of the North was partly due to the statesmanship of Lincoln, the civil war essay. Following the American Civil War began the Reconstruction era.

We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essay examples. When the horrific war started, no one thought that it would be marked as a deadly phenomenon in history. When writing a Civil War essay, you should know that this is not just a war, the civil war essay. A multitude of people lost lives on the battlefield and the nation suffered economic loss. We understand that you have tons of papers to complete in an academic semester, the civil war essay. It can be difficult to create a good outline without enough time and resources. Let us do everything for you from the introduction to the conclusion. Read more. The to Civil War Between The Northern and Southern States of America word 1 Page. The Civil War was fought from to between the Northern and Southern states of America.

The forces fighting were the Union in the North and the Confederacy in the South. The main reason for war was the controversy involving slavery. The North fighting American Civil War American History Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, American Civil War, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Gettysburg, Confederate States of America, Emancipation Proclamation, First Battle of Bull Run, George B. McClellan, Robert E. Lee, Slavery in the United States. The civil War started in after 11 Southern states succeeded from the Union. The fight between The Northern and Southern States of America lasted until Civil War North and South.

Abolitionism, Abraham Lincoln, African American, American Civil War, Arkansas, Compromise ofConfederate States of The civil war essay, D. We begin in the summer of in Gettysburg — then a small farming and market town in the eastern state of Pennsylvania. On July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, two huge armies clashed in Gettysburg. They fought one of the most important battles of the African-Americans served in the civil war, because of this they had to of had some sort of effect on the war. In this essay, I will be showing how, and giving multiple examples of how African-Americans indeed affected the civil war.

This essay will go African American American History Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, African American, American Civil War, Confederate States Army, Confederate States of America, Emancipation Proclamation, Slavery in the United States, United States. Out of this war Civil War The civil war essay. The significant changes between the end of the Civil War and the end of World The civil war essay I were Social Darwinism, sharecropping and the Great Migration effect on African Americans. Social The civil war essay had a great impact on the people between the end of the Civil War African American Civil War. Civil War Hispanic. Andalusia, Francisco Franco, Galicia, the civil war essay, History, History of Spain, Spanish Civil War, Spanish people.

On the day of 29 January Colonel Patrick Edward Connor and about California Volunteers attacked a Northwestern Shoshoni winter village located at the confluence of Beaver Creek and Bear River, twelve miles west and north of the village of Franklin in Cache Valley American Revolutionary War Civil War. The first source would be analyzed would be a Newsone Civil War Oppression. Emancipation Proclamation, Great Migration, Oppression Blacks, the civil war essay, Racial segregation, Racism, Sewer of racism, the civil war essay, Systemic oppression shape.

Though slavery was the major cause of the Civil War, it was the issues of state rights that played the second most important role. The Confederation was created with thirteen colonies coming together and forming a central government. It was believed the civil war essay all the the civil war essay American Civil War Civil Rights Civil War. American Civil War, American Revolution, Issues of state rights, Slavery in the United States, United States, United States Constitution, United States Declaration of Independence. As a nation, America has gone however numerous political changes all through her lifetime.

Civil War Reconstruction. While America had many battles and wars the Civil War was one of, or if not the most important wars ever. The Civil War defined what kind of nation The civil war essay Would be. It also changed the lives of slaves forever and set the tone of The Syrian civil war was started as development of Arab Spring rebellions Civil War Syrian Civil War. Reconstruction was the endeavor to remake and change the Souththe civil war essay, monetarily, and socially after the Civil War, and to refashion race relations all through the country. Students of history of the period have concentrated on five inquiries: What situation was trying to alter and The civil war essay History Civil War Reconstruction.

Abraham Lincoln, African American, American Civil War, Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, Republican Party, Slavery in the United States. His description of slavery makes it clear that the United States was a country that believed in freedom; hence could Abraham Lincoln, American Civil War, Slavery in the United States, United States, United States Army. There is a common misinterpretation that is continually perpetuated in America today that the civil war was solely waged to free and aid the slaves. Abraham Lincoln, American Civil War, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fort Sumter, Confederate States of America, Emancipation Proclamation, Slavery in the United States.

Thomas Jonathan Jackson was a great Confederate general that a big part of the American Civil War, and he was one of the best known Confederate commander after Superior general Robert E. The civil war essay was born on January 21, in Clarksburg, West Virginia. American Civil War Civil War. The definition of culture is as follows. The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group. Every place has its own culture. For instance, some of the customs, and values that we hold true in America today, are Civil War The Killer Angels.

The call Civil War is misleading due to the fact the conflict became no longer a class war, but a sectional fight having its roots in political, economic, social, and psychological elements so complex that historians nevertheless do not agree on its basic reasons. Civil War Sectionalism. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was African American Civil War Harriet Tubman. Ishmael Beah was born in and lived in a village with his mother, father, the civil war essay, and two little brothers.

Inthe Sierra Leone Civil War started A Long Way Gone Civil War Sierra Leone. A little African American girl stares out of a window, just as she puts her masters baby to bed. She has no dreams of becoming a great savior, known by all.

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The election of Lincoln was also on of the factors that accelerated the civil war tensions between the north and the south. This is because, Lincoln had vowed heavily to fight all issues associated with slavery in the United States and this was against the wishes if the people of the south. Introduction A well-known period in the American history known as Reconstruction mainly refers to the times when American nation as such was constructed; the Union managed to stay preserved, and…. A critical review of the battle at Gettysburg reveals that war is not majorly a matter of arms or money. During the battle at Gettysburg, by counting the advantages that…. These documents make mentions of….

Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant were both great military minds and tenacious fighters who came to have great respect for each other throughout their long campaign throughout Virginia…. The second industrial revolution or industrialization after the civil war, is regarded as the period after the Civil War and Reconstruction era which was marked by great economic change fuelled…. The role of civilians in the American Civil War is oftentimes overshadowed by stories of battle and military techniques employed by Union and Confederate officers. However, their place within the…. In America, every individual has the right to freedom, equality, and education although a significant number of African Americans were tortured with no access to education, no equality in accessing….

Response 1 The Western Theatre was a major milestone in the history of American civil war. One of the major hallmarks of the military action was that it involved many…. Your professor may flag you for plagiarism if you hand in this sample as your own. Shall we write a brand new paper for you instead? Use code: SAMPLES Generic selectors. Exact matches only. Search in title. Search in content. Search in excerpt. Search in posts. Search in pages. Samples American Civil War Civil War Essay: Causes And Implications. Civil War Essay: Causes And Implications The southern and the northern parts of America developed along different orientations and alignments. Related Samples. The Post-Civil War South Reconstruction Pages: 3 page s. Assessing the Failure of Reconstruction Pages: 4 page s.

The Battle At Gettysburg Pages: 3 page s. Why Did the South Secede? Pages: 3 page s. Lee, Grant, and Responses to Emancipation and Union Victory Pages: 3 page s. Peculiarities Of Industrialization After The Civil War Pages: 5 page s. The Impact of the American Civil War on Civilian Populations Pages: 4 page s. htm McPherson, J. Ordeal by fire. New York: McGraw Hill. So the professional opportunities for young obert were limited, and the army came as a rescue solution. Pegging to his life of severe lacks, difficulties and sadness, Lee became a man of strict self imposed limits. He was moderate and never wasteful of either type of resource. Due to his rather stern appearance, he was not the most popular of army men. But he did always serve his country and the cause he believed to be the truest.

He had a strong sense of civil duty, and he strived to insufflate it to others. And while not many will agree with this, Lee was a compassionate man, who cared and strived to protect his subalterns. In working toward this goal, he also understood that his men were the ones who determined the final fate of the war. So he strived to protect their lives. Evidence in this direction stands the…. References: McPherson, J. Civil ar Historians have long puzzled over the contradictions within Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. As a statement of general principle it seems compromised by Lincoln's refusal to extend manumission to slaves within those border states which permitted slavery but which had remained within the Union at the onset of hostilities: Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland.

This central contradiction was observed at the time; Evans notes that some Abolitionists claimed it was a clever but meaningless document that freed only those slaves now firmly under Confederate control, in states where Lincoln had no power to do so. Evans I would suggest, however, that our confused understanding of the Emancipation Proclamation derives from understanding the document as part of Lincoln's military strategy. The better way to understand the Emancipation Proclamation is within the context of foreign…. Works Cited Evans, Eli. Judah P. Benjamin: The Jewish Confederate. New York: Free Press, Graebner, Norman A. Why The North Won The Civil War. New York: Touchstone, Jones, Howard. Union in Peril: The Crisis over British Intervention in the Civil War.

University of North Carolina Press, North, Douglass. Growth and Welfare in the American Past: A New Economic History. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Civil War he beginning of the nineteenth century marked a period of reform and social changes in Europe and the young American state that was triggered and partly encouraged by the new era of industrialization. he transfer from agrarian to industrial societies changed people's lives and offered new perspectives for those concerned for the well being of the society as a whole.

he widening gap between the American North and South continued to grow after the euphoria of the first decades since the Declaration of Independence had been proclaimed in Philadelphia in he majority of the Americans were still living in an agrarian society, but the numbers were disproportionate between North and South and many historians and political analysts consider these differences in stages of development as the roots of social inequity and finally, of the war between North and South. While the American North was embracing new technologies,….

The Pre-Civil War Era -- History SparkNotes. Retrieved: Dec6, html Secession Crisis. The Missouri Compromise. Retrieved: Dec 7, html Monroe Doctrine, Department of State. Retrieved: Dec. The first article in the Rep. is condemned by the two colours, hite Brown, but I can't see why. I feel like Gen. Augusta County: George Junkin to Francis McFarland, January 19, hile in comparison to these heated ideologies, only the last of which holds out hope to the end that unity will be restored, the letters and documents from Franklin county express the idea that their chosen voices will…. Civil War The International law stands on two cornerstones of the Codified Law and Customary Law. The Codified Law is represented by the UN Charter that embodies the norms of sovereignty and non-interference in the domestic affairs of the state and contrary to this the Customary law progressively stresses upon the safeguarding of human rights and the security and well being of the individual.

Taking into consideration the present situation and emerging norms on intervention, there appears to be two isolated but associated principles on the basic unacceptability of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, to illustrate, the establishment of International Criminal Court and secondly a wider principle emphasizing the significance of the non-use of coercive force so as to allow resolving the clashes internally. The quest for the reasons behind the intervention is necessitated more intensive thought to reveal out the possibly criterion for justifying the intervention as…. References Boutwell, Jeffrey. Pugwash Study Group on Intervention, Sovereignty and International Security. Pugwash Workshop on Intervention and Sovereignty. Pugwash Meeting No.

Venice, Italy. htm Accessed on 7 May, Chester Crocker, Lessons on Intervention, in Managing Conflict in the Post-Cold War World: The Role of Intervention. Report of the Aspen Institute Conference, August , , Aspen, Colorado: Aspen Institute, pp. htm Accessed on 7 May, Implementing Peace Agreements in Civil Wars: Lessons and Recommendations for Policymakers. IPA Policy Paper Series on Peace Implementation. Center for International Security and Co-operation. Stanford University. May, pdf Accessed on 7 May, UN intervention in Somalia and Mozambique: why success is not always cast in stone.

Global Dialogues. Vol: 5; No: 1; May html Accessed on 7 May, The question to which this report strives to offer an answer however does not refer in particular to either Union or Confederation, but to the entire United States, and to what extent the Civil War revealed a society that was eager to eliminate slavery and create a color-blind society. The answer is relatively simple -- part of the country was convinced that the old way of keeping slaves was the best solution for individual wealth; the other part of the country envisioned a new society, in which free labor would set the basis for economic prosperity and stability, as well as a prosperous, culturally diverse nation.

In the end, it was a battle of right vs. injustices, and the right won, with slavery having been abolished, and with the end result being that of a new American society, in which all individuals enjoy the rights of freedom, liberty and equality. Civil War While compromise over the system of slavery was possible in it was not effective in 's. The fundamental differences in agriculture and the adoption of slavery in the South of America gave rise to the early American History. The thirteen states had each developed separately and had differences in beliefs and their culture and issues between them were always irreconcilable.

Along with the cultural differences even the geographic differences were made apparent between the North and South America during the hundred-year period that followed after the Constitution was drafted. Conflicts arose and reached its climax in regarding the concept of holding people as slaves in the territories that were being formed. References McPherson, James M. Quite simply, Christians in the north of the country vilified slavery as evil and against both God's will and the Bible, whereas Christians in the South justified slavery through God's will and various passages in the Bible. Northerners wanted to prohibit slavery; Southerners wanted to propagate it Lincoln 2. The most important thing about the religious aspect of the Civil ar is that it merely served to widen and deepen the sectarian differences between these two parts of the country, which primarily differed in their economic means of production.

The North was relying on an increasingly growing industrialization that was bereft of slavery, whereas the South remained entrenched in a rural, agrarian…. Works Cited Lincoln, Abraham. In spite of their superiority in number, armament and war techniques, the British hopes in the alliance with Southern loyalists failed. They became vulnerable targets to the guerrilla tactics they were not used to. Cornwallis has to keep retreating from South Carolina and then from North Carolina, although in the beginning he placed great hopes in his naval forces that were far more superior than those of the enemy's. The document signed in the U. Constitution by Benjamin Franklin reinforces the idea that the War between the colonists of the new world and the British empire that led to the formation of the American nation was not only an expression of disapproval of new imposed taxes, but it was truly a revolution.

The ideals of the revolution were based on the fondness of fundamental human rights. It is true that, in spite of all these high ideal of equality for…. References: Davis D. The Boisterous Sea of Liberty: A Documentary History of America from Discovery through the Civil War. Oxford University. In an era that would come to be known as "Bleeding Kansas," the territory became a battleground over the slavery question. They were not interested in the conflict over slavery, but they found themselves in the midst of a battleground. Violence erupted throughout the Kansas territory between pro and anti-slavery activists, resulting in a death toll of staggering numbers. Several attempts were made to draft a constitution that Kansas could use to apply for statehood. Some versions were proslavery, others free state.

Finally, a fourth convention met at yandotte in July , and adopted a free state constitution. Kansas applied for admittance to the Union. However, the proslavery forces in the Senate strongly opposed its free state status, and stalled its admission. Only in , after the Confederate states seceded, did…. Works Cited Compromise. html Bleeding Kansas. The residents of what would become New York came for free land, free religion, and freedom from taxation and many seemed to care little who ruled, and what religion was dominant, as long as there was an opportunity to make money, although the city would gradually take on a more English cultural character.

Even the common conception that the one uniting factor amongst all the new settlements was hostility towards the native residents is not entirely true. It is true that some areas such as Virginia, which began as a colony devoted to economic rather than religious liberty, were characterized by a negative view of Native American culture as less developed than European culture and wars were frequent between settlers and natives throughout New England. However, at the beginning of their dealings with Europeans, Indians had cultural leverage due to their control of certain aspects of trade. The Boisterous Sea of Liberty. New York: Oxford University Press, Reflection on the Civil War Periods Introduction The American Civil War is a major historical and turning point for the country America.

While the root cause of the war was slavery, the story of the civil war, especially in the South has been significantly distorted to propagate narratives, e. In reflecting on the civil war, it is important to look at the events preceding and following the civil war, namely; colonization and enslavement, the civil war and its immediate consequences, and the reconstruction. This paper, therefore, seeks to explore these four periods in terms of how each is important, how it affects race within America, and its effect on the next period. Finally, the paper…. Works cited Bassett, John S. Short History of the United States. Macmillan, New York, Best, Ryan.

ABC News Internet Ventures. Early, Jubal Anderson. A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence, in the Confederate States of America: Containing an Account of the Operations of His Commands in the Years and CW Button, McPherson, James. American Battlefield Trust n. Phillips, Ulrich Bonnell. American Negro slavery: A survey of the supply, employment, and control of Negro labor as determined by the plantation regime. Good Press, Snyder, Timothy. The US government should cede territory back to Native Americans. The Guardian, , April Thomas, Emory M. The Confederate Nation, HarperCollins Publishers, Tolbert, Payton.

Seward represented the Republican Party and viewed the upcoming election as one that would alter the course of history—as one that would finally bring about a solution to the moral problem of slavery. However, Seward gave a typically political and simplistic account of the conflict among labor, ownership of the means of production, freedom and social mobility. The reality of capitalist structures and racial capitalism in the US was complex and complicated as much by inconsistencies in the North as by…. Bibliography Berlin, Ira, Steven Hahn, Steven F.

Miller, Joseph P. Reidy, and Leslie S. Oxford University Press, Delony, Edward. Hammond, James Henry. James H. Hammond, of South Carolina, On the Admission of Kansas, Under the Lecompton Constitution: Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 4, ," Washington, D. Lincoln, Abraham. Seward, William Henry. Southern States Before the Civil War, slave labor in the Southern States numbered almost four million black slaves Constitutional Rights Foundation para 2. The agricultural proceeds of cash crops such as tobacco, cotton, and sugar cane enriched the Southern States and made the region the nation's economic engine. And fuelling this engine was the slave labor tasked to cultivate the agricultural wealth. The slave economy was so profitable it enriched the nation and, particularly, the Southern States.

The wealth enjoyed by the Southern States was so vast, the South produced more millionaires per person in the Mississippi River valley than in areas across the nation. The slave economy had become such a big part of the Southern economy to which it had brought wealth that almost nothing could separate them, not even the belief…. Works cited Constitutional Rights Foundation. Timmons, Greg. Warren, Ebenezer. A Scriptural Refutation of the Principal Arguments upon Which the Abolitionists Rely. A Vindication of Southern Slavery from the Old and New Testaments: Electronic Edition. Hunt, James. Independence Hall Association. So-called militant abolitionist events and tactics are simply assertive methods of activism. All of these events had a strong bearing on Southern rebellion.

However, of these four s political events, the one that most strongly caused the South to declare secession from the United States was the Kansas-Nebraska Act. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed new territories to determine their slave status not by geographic borders but by popular vote. The election of…. Works Cited Franklin, John Hope. From Slavery to Freedom : a History of African Americans. Union Victory There were several factors that led to a Union victory in the Civil War. This not only liberated all slaves in Confederate held states so long as they agreed to fight for the Union, it also made slavery one of the primary issues of the war from that point on.

England had already banned slavery and so now that Lincoln had made slavery the main issue of the war through his Proclamation, England could not very well lend support to the South—because then it would essentially be lending support to slavery. Another vital factor in the Union Victory was Gen. Grant succeeded where other Union generals had failed. McClellan for instance had been a big bust for Lincoln, often…. Board of Education was a pivotal and massively important moment in American history—but not for the reasons that are typically given. The common understanding of Brown v. Board of Education is that it ended segregation in schools and helped make America a more equal place.

Klarman views this is a very superficial approach to the subject, somewhat like a myth and one that needs to be dispelled. The Jim Crow Era was proof of the institutionalization of racism and…. Dealing with Diversity in America from Reconstruction through the s: The Lost Cause Narrative Racial policy in the U. after the Civil War was supposed to based on the egalitarian principles espoused by Lincoln at his Second Inaugural. The Ku Klux Klan KKK developed to carry on the traditions promoted in the concept of the Lost Cause narrative; the KKK led the charge to carry on the traditions of white supremacy in the South and to resist the ascension of free blacks into public life and administrative positions in government The Lost Cause, n. Jim Crow laws followed Schultz, , and segregation of blacks and whites continued well into the 20th century thanks to Plessy v.

Ferguson, Schultz, This paper will show how the Lost Cause of the Civil War effectively sabotaged and influenced…. References Davis, J. Plessy vs. htm The Lost Cause. Civil War Journeys. htm Schultz, Kevin M. HIST5: Volume 2: U. History Since Student edition. Boston: Cengage. In , Ulysses S. But the Union also faced setbacks in this phase of the war. The military strategy of Ulysses S. Grant and the leadership of President Lincoln are widely credited for the success of the Union Army during the Civil War. According to Brooks , before the promotion of Grant, Lincoln was extremely frustrated by the tactics deployed…. President Rutherford B. Hays Experience in the SOUTH MOUNTAIN BATTLE Thesis Statement When the American Civil War broke out, Rutherford B.

Hayes tendered his willingness to take part in the struggle and joined the Union. He rose through the ranks and had attained a brevet major general rank by the time the war ended. The country owes those who actively participated in the same, such as Hayes, for their role towards the redefinition of the United States of America into one true nation. Discussion Hayes was instrumental in the victory secured by the union at the South Mountain Battle after his regiment, as part of…. Accessed March 27, html Conwell, Herman. Life and Public Service of Gov.

Rutherford B. Philadelphia: Quaker City Publishing House, Howells, William. Sketch of the Character of Rutherford B. New York, NY: Hurd and Houghton, Lanning, Michael. Civil War The Stories Behind the Most Influential Battles, Peoples and Events in the War Between the States. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, Mahan, Russell. Lucy Webb Hayes: A First Lady by Example. New York, NY: Nova Publishers, North and South The origins of the differences between the north and the south in early colonial America on up to the Civil War stem from political beliefs, economics, and social customs. The South was always more agrarian than the North. The South was also interested in controlling its own trade with other countries instead of having it controlled for them by a centralized government.

That is one reason the South resisted the Constitution and why Alexander Hamilton, the leading writer of the Federalist Papers, argued for centralization via a strong federal government. Hamilton thought that if the states could control their own destinies with respect to trade with other countries it would soon enough lead to foreign entanglements in wars and so on. The South rejected this idea out of hand with its Anti-Federalist position, but in the end, the Constitution was ratified following a compromise between the North…. Scene Four: Parker Adderson, Philospher This scene will take place exactly as it does in the story. The stage will be divided into two parts. In center stage will be the tent with the Parker Adderson and the general. Adderson will be sitting across from the general at the table and will be questioned.

The monologue will unfold with only this part of the stage being lit. After the fight, Adderson will be escorted to stage left where there will be a doctor and campfire along with soldiers guarding Adderson. Adderson will be wrapped in a blanket and must be visibly trembling and shrunken in horror. The general and dead officer will still be in the tent, which will remain lit. The general will come around and order the execution. At this point, the tent and campfire will go black and the right stage will be lit with the fire…. Works Cited Bierce, Ambrose. Bierce, Ambrose. The war and the years that preceded it led to the creation of social classes in our country.

These classes consisted of the rich upper-class down to the poor immigrants; and each class had its own rules and regulations by which it lived. To this day, a large part of our society is based on classes. Socially, the war divided races and started what would lead to racism, bigotry, and the separation of black and whites. The war had served as a pathway to change but it would be several decades before the racial views of whites would change and allow for blacks to be treated fairly. Another thing that changed shortly after the war was women's rights. This movement paved the way for women to be considered equal and treated fairly Ferland, Ever since the Civil ar ended there has been great discussion over whether or not the….

Works Cited "Civil War Overview. Son of the South. Civil ars It is estimated that between and , there were civil wars called throughout the world Civil pp. Today, there are literally dozens of wars going on around the globe, and dozens more that have ended during recent years, such as the civil wars in Guatemala and Tajikistan. According to Christopher Cramer, most literature concerning civil wars has highlighted the role of political instability in the relationship between growth and inequality Cramer pp. Although there are interlinkages between distribution, conflict and growth, these interlinkages are complex and cannot be read off or predicted from any convincing repeated empirical relationship between variables that are often loaded with too much and unclear meaning Cramer pp.

Cramer takes the title to his article, "Civil ar is Not a Stupid Thing: Exploring Growth, Distribution and Conflict Linkages" from a short story by Sicilian writer, Leonardo Sciascia, about a Sicilian dragooned into…. Work Cited "Civil Wars Throughout the World. htm Cramer, Christopher. In the North, however, abolitionists groups began to see slavery another way. Finally, when Lincoln -- who was perceived as anti-slavery -- was elected, the South fought to exercise what it believed were its states rights by seceding. After the war concluded, these cultural and economic differences were not gone with the wind. Instead, they were prominent during reconstruction and continue to characterize the culture of the North and South today. McElrath's timeline of reconstruction shows several attempts at making the South racially equal, which can be defined as one of the goals of reconstruction.

The Civil Rights Bill and 14th amendment were methods by which this was accomplished. However, Civil ar era culture has left such an impact on the region as to make race relations in the American South still stereotypically tenacious. orks Cited Kelly, Martin. com Works Cited Kelly, Martin. McElrath, Jessica. Civil War in Alabama The American civil war was a political turmoil that took place during the later years of the 18th Century, particularly between to , where 13 British colonies joined together to liberate themselves from the British Empire and unite to from the United States of America American evolutionary War, It all began with the rejection of the Parliament of the Great Britain as governing body from overseas without their representation and consequently rejecting and sending away all the royal officials and representatives.

In turn they formed Provincial Congress in which made up the self-governing state. This prompted the British to send troops to America to reinstate the direct rule and in return, the Second Continental Congress was formed in to wade off the British troops and also to defend their decision towards self-governance. This was what was and still is famously know as…. References American Revolutionary War, American Revolutionary War. James Longstreet: Lieutenant General. html The Alabama Civil War Round Table, A Discussion on the American Civil War.

Civil ar The ar Economic and social differences between the North and the South, states' rights verses federal rights, the fight between the proponents of slavery and abolitionists, and the election of Abraham Lincoln all contributed to the Civil ar. However, all of these causes can trace their roots in the institution of slavery. The major reason the southern states succeed was to maintain slavery, the conflict over western lands was about slavery, Lincoln couldn't maintain the union because of slavery, and the production of cotton demanded slavery. Ultimately, though both sides claimed to want to achieve their objectives peacefully, the South viewed the North as a threat to its way of life, while the North preferred war rather than let the nation perish.

Slavery It seems incredible today that the institution of slavery was only abolished less than a century and a half ago. The idea that one person…. Works Cited "Abraham Lincoln. Goodwin, Doris Kearns. Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln. Roark, James L. The American Promise: A History of the United States, 4th ed. Volume1: To Martin's:Boston-New York, Civil war is the most momentous and crucial period in the history of America. Not only did this war bring an end to slavery in the country but also paved way for numerous social and political changes. The country had already been torn by the negative trend in race relations and numerous cases of slave uprisings were taking their toll on the country's political and social structure.

While slavery is cited as the most common cause of the Civil War, it is believed that there were several other factors involved. In other words, though slavery was the major cause it was certainly not the only cause. States' rights Though slavery was the major cause of the Civil War, it was the issues of states rights that played the second most important role. We must understand here Confederation was created with 13 colonies coming together and forming central government. But it…. Lee decided to run even before Sherman was able to come, and escaped from Petersburg. Grant was able to catch him at Appomattox, and then was the surrendered. There were , dead on the Union side and , dead on the Confederate side, but the union continued. This war made United States as a nation and a state.

Earlier secession and state veto power had been disturbing the government from the beginning. United States History : The South Secedes From here started econstruction, but that is another story. eferences Coming of the Civil War: An Overview. Accessed on 26 May, Encyclopedia: Bleeding Kansas. Accessed on 26 May, United States History : Bleeding Kansas. html s85Accessed on 26 May, United States History :…. References Coming of the Civil War: An Overview. Accessed on 26 May, The belief was that eventually the North would have to give up, as long as the South could maintain a unified defense McPherson. The Confederate Army was not well organized in the beginning, however, and the widespread and largely independent militias defending the Confederate borders were stretched too thin in places, allowing the Union Army to break through McPherson.

Technological advancements had large effects on the strategies of both the Union and Confederate armies as well. The railroad was one of the most important advancements of the time; it was used to ship troops and supplies, and the destruction of railroad lines was common practice by both armies. eferences McPherson, James. Battle Cry of Freedom. Accessed 10 May htm Smith, Page. Trial By Fire, A People's History of the Civil War and econstruction. References McPherson, James. Trial By Fire, A People's History of the Civil War and Reconstruction. Page updated June 1, April 23, htm Leidner, Gordon. htm Litwak, Leon. html "The Secession Crisis: Dred Scott.

html "The Secession Crisis: The Missouri Compromise. html John B. html Gordon Leidner, "Causes of the Civil ar: A Balanced Answer," Great American History. html "The…. html Gordon, John B. The differences between the Northern and Southern states regarding states' rights issues and industrialization also affected federal policies toward new territories acquired during Westward Expansion. Before the Civil War, the federal government had issued a series of "compromises" designed to appease both northern and southern interests. The Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Bill were both issued in response to Southern interests but they reflected weakness in the federal government.

The Compromise of , for instance, sparked controversy over admitting California to the nation as a free state. Southerners had hoped that new states would at least be able to choose their own policies regarding slavery: to have "the power to choose whether it entered the United States as a slave or free state," "Causes of the Civil War". Finally, the issue of slavery itself became a major cause of the Civil War. Southern states prospered as a result of…. References American Civil War. htm The Causes. The American Civil War: The Struggle to Preserve the Union. html Causes of the War Between the States - a Southern Perspective.

html Golden, R. Causes of the Civil War. About North Georgia. California was particularly problematic. Taken from Mexico after the war, California was geographically cut in half along the 36°30, and was therefore legally and politically cut in half. However, residents applied for statehood as a free state in Congress responded with a set of complicated compromises: California would be admitted as a free state in exchange for the Fugitive Slave Law, which required that citizens residing in free states hand over runaway slaves, who would not be afforded any legal rights. Additionally, the District of Columbia would cease trading slaves, but the institution itself would not be abolished; slaves would not be emancipated.

The admission of California as a free state upset the balance of power in Congress. The Fugitive Slave Law fueled the Underground Railroad and underscored the deepening divisions between North and South. The Missouri Compromise was shot to pieces in , when Kansas and Nebraska were…. Works Cited Bleeding Kansas. PBS Online. The Compromise of Cozzens, Lisa. Kansas-Nebraska Act. Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press, Unlike the more committed New England settlers who were fueled by a desire to practice their faith and farm and to create a 'shining city on a hill,' settlements in the southern regions of North America were made up of single men, unused to labor and farming as well as taking orders. The Puritans, for all of the criticism leveled upon them, fared better, perhaps because they brought a form of government and a structured ideology to sustain them as a people, although the struggles that beset this community not the least of which was the Salem 'witch scare' in terms of tilling unfamiliar soil and surviving a harsh climate cannot be underestimated.

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